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Make the most of your “Steep Site” Queenslander Renovation

  – Hi, I’m Jan Hogarth from Placemate Architects, and today I’d like to talk about steep sites, how to design for them, and things that you should be thinking about as you are thinking about how to develop your steep site. Now people go, “Oh, steep site, such a nuisance. You can’t use a… Read more »

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Expert Advice for Adding Value to your Queenslander Renovation from Place Auctioneer Andrew Degn

Renovating to sell your Queenslander needs careful consideration! In our latest video, I catch up with real estate veteran and auctioneer Andrew Degn from Place Paddington to find out what todays buyers are looking for! Don’t miss this one!

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The Secret to designing Outdoor spaces with guest Johanna MacMinn

Hi, I’m Jan Hogarth from PlaceMate Architects. And today I’m talking with Johanna MacMinn, who’s a landscape architect who we collaborate with. Hello, Johanna. Hello, Jan, thanks for having me. I am a landscape architect and I focus on residential garden design. Today, we’re just gonna give you the absolute basics. If you are starting… Read more »

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Do You Really Need An Architect?

Hi, I’m Jan Hogarth, a residential and renovation specialist architect from PlaceMate Architects in Brisbane. When do you need an architect? Today, I would like to share the correct triggers to know if you need an Architect. Nobody wakes up in the morning and thinks they’re in the mood to spend tens of thousands of… Read more »

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