Brisbane Queenslander Architecture (Built 2020)

Owner’s Dream

Newmarket Queenslander Delivers City Views

The owners of this single-story Newmarket Queenslander wanted to expand their home for value, longevity, and family living. In addition, it needed to include four bedrooms, a guest room, a music room, a study and a large outdoor pool. The owner’s vision was to renovate their home in keeping with the traditional Queenslander style of the existing home. 

Site Condition

The site sits on a large sloping block of land. The existing structure had been well kept and the interior consisted of decorative art-deco plaster ceilings dating back to the 1920s.

As with many traditional Queenslander structures, the kitchen and main living areas were situated in the centre of the home. The interior felt cramped, and there was a lack of flow or complementary style throughout the home.

Architectural Designer Solution

City Views From Newmarket Queenslander

PlaceMate Architects designed a life-changing renovation for the owners of this beautiful Newmarket Queenslander.

The house was lifted and dug out underneath to build a second story. A modern kitchen, study, music room, and numerous living areas now reside on the lower level. The new lap pool extends out from a charming timber deck into the expansive garden. An internal stairway complete with skylight windows sits in the centre of the home, uniting the upstairs sleeping areas to the level below.

The house feels alive with light and fresh air flowing throughout the internal structure. The project was completed on time and within budget. PlaceMate Architects’ design for the Newmarket Queenslander saved the owners over $200,000 compared to a previous architectural concept, all while capturing the detailed character of a charming traditional inner-city home.


Project Partners


Bruin Builders



Integrated Construction Approvals






Hannah Puechmarin

Client & Partner Testimonials

Thank you. I didn’t really understand the drawings, but now the house is finished I can see that you took my ideas and suggestions and made them beautiful. Everything is perfect. Every morning I say to my husband, I love this house.

Frank and Vilma de Silva Owners

We engaged Jan and her team at Placemate for our small block renovation in West End, Brisbane. Fantastic result, Jan’s creative genius solved tricky problems related to BCC restrictions and what we were aiming to achieve. Renovation is now finished (Yay!) and throughout the process they were extremely helpful (thanks Amy!), again, jumping in to solve unforeseen technical issues. Everyone who visits always comment on what a clever use of space, thanks Placemate!

Jason Hawkins and Diana Tolmie Owners

I have been working with Jan on small and large projects for over 15 years. These ranged from small extensions to very complex projects, one which was awarded the Master Builders best renovation over 250 k and the quality and workmanship award. Working with Jan has always been a pleasure, and despite whatever difficulties a large renovation throws your way, Jan always displays the ability to work though it, providing the best result and a pleasurable working relationship. Jan’s designs are practical, efficient and work for the needs of the client. I can speak for this as Jan designed my home in Camp Hill.

Stewart Harris Builder

Best use of a steep site

PlaceMate topped the state for best use of a sloping site over $250000 at the Queensland Master Builders Association Housing & Construction Awards. The award was for the design of two contemporary townhouses built on a 500sqm site that dropped 10m from a busy road. All the bedrooms and living areas captured picturesque city views.


Best renovation $250-$500,000

PlaceMate took home the prize at the Queensland Master Builders Association Housing & Construction Awards for the best renovation between $250,000 – $500,000. The winning renovation was a 1910 cast concrete Californian bungalow-style home in Indooroopilly. The design added a new wing and unified alterations undertaken in 50s, 70s and 80s.

Recognised in The Courier-Mail

PlaceMate’s skills were recognised in The Courier-Mail for our transformation of a Shorncliffe residence originally built around 1910.

Registered with Board of Architects Queensland

Registration Number 2457

Our Client Success Team

Placemate Architects works with successful and innovative clients. Together we achieve significant and lasting transformations of cities, houses and landscapes.